Thursday, January 28, 2010

okay lets back up

so it is true, over the last two weeks i have potty trained shep and put him in a big boy bed. it all happened a little too fast for me, but i didn't plan it that way. we just got an awesome deal on bunk bed so i had to buy it before someone else snatched it up. (the awesome bunk bed that shep is currently playing in, NOT napping!)
the transition to the bunk bed was uneventful, after we got through our first nap, well, not really a nap so much as shep constantly getting out of his bed and me having to"remind" him that he is not allowed to get out of this bed during nap or night time. although yesterday after naps i went into get him and the room smelled like vicks vapor rub. at some point he must have gotten onto the changing table and got the vicks and rubbed it on himself because he smelled like it.
potty training is a work in progress. he does well when i am on my game and he is not distracted, whenever those two things go ary, it usually ends up in wet underwear. we made significant progress last week when i switched from mini marsh mellows to peanut M&M's. I know it hasn't been that long, but i must say i am pleased with myself for keeping my cool when accidents the time he pooped in his underwear standing right next to the toilet.

a few pics for your viewing pleasure.

zoe even got in on the action

some old comfort in his new place
it doesn't get much cuter folks

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