Friday, May 21, 2010

brotherly love and outdoor play

shep lives to be outside he can stay busy for a really long time. and he loves it whenever grandma is outside in her garden. he knows exactly what to do when she is planting something knew. We planted a few vegetables and he always remembers to go check on them and make sure they have enough water. give this kid a bucket and a hose and he is set.

one of the sweetest things to watch as it develops is the brotherly love. shep can get brennan laughing like no other. and if shep is anywhere around brennan's eyes are fixated on him. it is precious to watch them interact with one another. i pray that they will always be best friends. they will get to learn valuable lessons of sharing, being considerate and kind to one another and ultimately learn the value of true friendship. it is so sweet to watch.


running shoes said...

Awe! so adorable. Are you guys still in Maitland?

Kathleen said...

yeah...we moved back here almost a year ago now. we will probably move again soon. but we are loving it here for now.