Sunday, October 11, 2009

I missed it somehow

Shep, somehow I missed you turning from my little baby boy to the big brother. Last week we ran one of our first errands together without Brennan. Since you have been alive I have always gotten you out of your car seat and then picked you up and either put you in a stroller or carried you into wherever I was headed. But last week, I opened the car door, unbuckled your car seat and held your hand to help you out of the car. Then without missing a beat, you just held your hand up to mine and began lifting your arms up in the air for me to pick you up and no questions asking to be held. You were content with walking on your own two feet.
Sometime in the last 5 weeks you have made this transition to the 'older' sibling and for that I am grateful, but also a little bit sad that my baby boy is gone. Although as my first baby boy, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Love you little buddy!

Shep at 27 months

1 comment:

running shoes said...

it really does go by too fast.