Wednesday, March 17, 2010

we have a lot of catching up to do

so we are going to do it in pictures so I don't have to write so many words right now because the boys are in bed and I have a chic-fil-a ice dream cup just sitting in my freezer calling my name. Here we go...

we are never short on music in our house. Shep loves it when Robbie plays at church and gets to bring the drums home to practice

we are never short on love and affection either

we sold a car
and bought a car
and got some good play time with daddy
we spent our evenings reading by candle light
with our sippy cups (don't your children look like this at night)
brennan started solid foods and has taken to it very well

we had play dates with friends

and lots of laughter

we spent a day at the zoo
and saw lots of 4-legged animals

and some with no legs
we got to ride on a train too

we also took the occasional bath

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