Monday, May 4, 2009

Peepee in the Potty

Shep I can hardly believe it went peepee in the potty tonight. You are no where near being potty trained, but it is exciting to think about you being out of diapers in the next 6 months or so (hopefully). 
We've committed to letting you go "free" one to two nights a week in order to break you of your "diaper dependency", based on the advice of our pediatrician, Dr. Middleton. Love him by the way. So we shall see where this gets us, you were definitely excited about going on the potty and proclaimed "I did it" once you were done. Who knew it could be so much fun to go on the potty!! I didn't really have any rewards in the house for you since I wasn't planning on committing to this potty training thing, so you got a raspberry popsicle and made a huge mess.

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