I have been meaning to start this list for quite some time. I have lots of friends who have done this in one form or another and I think it is a great idea. For starters, we all need to be reminded of the little things in life that are blessings and gifts from the Lord. Even the ones that don't always seem like blessings, i.e., your children playing and laughing in the same room keeping each other up way past their bedtime, or crumbs all over your kitchen floor after a meal, or bug bites all over your son's face after making mud balls with his cousins. You get the idea. I need to be reminded that my boys love one another which is why they are laughing and having a good time, that there are crumbs on the floor because I have enough food to feed my family, and that those bug bites are scars from a fun evening bonding with cousins who love on my boys.
So here I go. I'm going to start with the basics
#1- I am much more of a sinner than I realize, but God's grace is bigger than I can fathom
#2- my children who are teaching me more about myself everyday
#3- Robbie, who I would not want to do life without
#4- for the big mess of water that shep is making on my kitchen floor right now, while his dolphins swim in their "pools"; which also happen to double as my mixing bowls.
#5- for the blue volvo, our first family car, that my husband is now driving. may it make it thru the end of this year!!! please!!!
#6- for our white honda van, our second family car. such a luxury!
#7- for the gray infiniti, that was sold to purchase the honda
#8- for my hubs who gave up his infiniti for the benefit of our entire family
#9- that I finally started this list
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