Brennan you turned six months old a few weeks ago on march 6th. where does the time go? it feels like yesterday that i took the pregnancy test and found out we would be expanding our family. what an incredibly exciting day that was. your dad had been traveling for work the day before and so i called him the morning i took the test and told him the news. he was shocked and so excited. i was beaming as i drove into work that day, so excited to know you were inside me. i had planned on waiting to tell people, but couldn't keep in the good news, so i spilled the beans to my friends that morning. when your dad arrived home that night he brought me flowers to celebrate. then after about 11 weeks of throwing up, selling one house, renting another, moving, quiting my job and your brother turning two you were born.
you have been easy going and content from the start. you have this goofy little grin that just lights up your face and makes your dad and i laugh. you actually think your brother's baby babbling to you is quite amusing which thrills him to pieces. i think you are starting to become a real person to him because when you are napping or not with us, he asks for you quite often.
you have just popped through your first tooth with another one coming up soon. this last week, i begrudgingly started you on solids. you have taken to it well and now will eat up anything i give you. you are a MUCH better eater than your brother. AND you will actually sleep in your car seat, which is a first for us parents. shep would have none of it. still won't. he does however have you beat when it comes to sleeping. you are a great sleeper for sure, but your naps leave me confused some days. i have often walked in on you when i thought you would have been asleep just to find you playing around in your crib during your nap time. your whole nap time. your two and a half hour nap time. no crying, just talking to your "friends" on your mobile. easy going and content from the start i guess.
we would not have life any other way than how the Lord has ordained our paths right now. you and your brother are such a blessing to us and have taught your daddy and i more than you will ever know. we love you brennan.