Well you may think this has something to do with my last post...but it doesn't. It is just the way Shep sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He loves to sing. So often I hear him in his crib or sitting in the back of the car just "singing" away, it is the cutest thing ever. He knows all the words to "Tinkle Tinkle" and requests to sing it often. A few other favorites include Jesus Loves Me and most recently the alphabet song. But we skip over
many many of the letters in this one. But I think he gets the general premise.
The other thing he has learned to do recently is count to 10. I didn't intentionally teach him this, so I don't know where he got it...Sesame Street?? Anyways, it usually goes something like this; 1...2..........5,6,7,8,9,10. As you can see we are missing a few numbers =).
It is so fun to see his mind work and watch him develop. Of course with this development comes lots of challenges also, especially as we are nearing 2. He definitely has my stubborn personality, which I am sure will be a wonderful asset to him in his adult years, but for now it drives me crazy!
Pic is of Shep in our backyard "singing" with the hose.